
Monday, January 11, 2016

Tangy Mayo and Ketchup - Week 6 Mahotas

"Oh what it is? Oh whats up?" 

We made it guys! 2 transfers done so I am officially done with my training in the field! It feels good but with the transfer news that I will be staying with Elder Ribeiro in Mahotas B for another I dont think it will feel much different! It sounds like everyone is doing great back home! Cait... HAPPY BDAY (tomorrow..)!!! I hope you have a great day! Love seeing all the pictures of the kiddies skiing! 

So the past week here has been pretty good! We are really focusing on all of our investigators that have dates for! We were able to mark a couple more this week and we are just waiting for Otavio/Cecilia to decide when they will travel to get their documents to set a date for them! The best thing ever happened though on Sunday. We were sitting in sacrament meeting a little bit sad because Rute didnt show up. She had told us it was going to be hard cause she was watching her neighbor's family for them. But right after the first hymn... in walks Rute with 7 little boys and she found chairs for all of them and got them to be reverent! Rute is too legit too quit and we are very sure we will be baptizing her on the 23rd of Jan. And other then the fact that we accidently bought 1 Kilogram of chicken necks last week thinking it was a full chicken for lunch nothing too exciting has happened! I lost to a kid in 1-on-1 too this week.. kinda of sad about that but I will redeem myself and teach them how I beat Shaq haha.

Since there is too much to update I will leave a spiritual thought: 
Today I was studying the King Benjaman chapters in Mosiah and reading in chapter 4. I came a cross something made me stop and think. It is the last part of verse 24 in Chapter 4 where it says, 

"... I give not because I have not, but if I had I would give.

This phrase combined with the Spirit hit me so hard when I read it. It reminded me of the hymn, "Because I have been given much I too must give" These phrases are so powerful because when we ponder them we spiritually look our selves in a mirror and acknowledge how much we do have, where it came from, and how much we can give. Once we ponder, then we can act. I like to think about this kind of like football (as always).. You watch film to see what you need to do better but if you do not apply the things you learn on the practice field and in the game you will not get better. 

This next transfer I am going to be focusing a lot on this phrase and every time I am tired and hot and just want to take a break I will think, "I give not because I have not, but if I had I would give." I know that I have been given so much in my life and for that reason I will work and give it back to the people to Mozambique to bring people unto Christ and the knowledge of a Heavenly Father who loves them. 

Love you guys! Hope everyone has a great week! 


Elder Chipman 

The Hulene B Hooligans

Moises and Milusha, two recent converts and truly the best people ever!

Birthday celebration for Inocencia

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