YEP! So another week down and another email session
to top off a great week! To be honest this transfer has been flying by! It
feels like yesterday that I just got up in Beira with Elder Griffeth but it’s
been over a month... crazy! It sounds
like this past week was super duper chill for everyone! Hope everyone partied
way hard with all the bdays! I heard my boy Barries set the mic on fire at his
farewell! It is crazy to see pics of all the buddies together!
Just some updates about the week; Last Monday we had
a family night with 8 missionaries at Jorge and Remina's and it was a special
night! We were there with Elder Rissperess (who found Jorge and Remina), Elder
Finau (who baptized Jorge and Remina/his last family night on the mission) and
everyone else that just wanted to tag along because they are such a dope
family. Jorge was just called to be our new 1st counselor in our ward as well
so everyone is really excited about that.
Elder Price informed me that down in Mahotas that
Armando and Atalia were married and baptized on Saturday and Sunday!
More wedding news, Afonso is pretty sure he will be
receiving the rest of the money that he needs to open and close the wedding
process so we will be most likely having a wedding and a baptism in the next
couple weeks for them! As for the rest of our families they are doing really
well. Jose and Lucia are doing well. Admiro and Alferida are working the
problems they have been having. We sat with them twice this past week, once on
Wednesday and then on Saturday. We challenged them on Wednesday to pray
together every night until Saturday and they did and they both said they could
see a difference. During that lesson the Spirit impressed me that one of the
greatest benefits of the Gospel is to bless families!
Other than that all of that and busy weekend of
giving improvised talks at baptisms on Saturday, teaching Sunday School and the
Young Men on Sunday. Besides all of that, I was able to enjoy my first Easter
on the mission. Easter isn’t too big down here so that was kind of a bummer...
We did boil and color some eggs though so that made up for it. But with all of
that I was able to reflect on the significance of Easter and why it is so
special... Christ lives! And because of that we have hope! Hope for past,
future and present! Because He lives, we need to do doubt! Because of His
lives, we too can live and help others come to know this great message of hope!
I love you all soooo much! Hope everyone has a great
week! Keep it sleazy!
Elder Chipman
How about eggs? |
Our favorite drunk buddy.
I got crabs....Found this little guy on our stairway
Admiro and Alferida |
Jose/Lucia and Lucia's sister Florinda |
Saying bye to Elder Katoa #Grasshoppers. Going to miss this guy tons!
S/O to the moon for light when there is no power in the area. |
Pondering time with Elder Brown. |
Family night at Jorge and Remina's. |
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