
Monday, March 21, 2016

Week 4 - Munhava B "I call air conditioners cool blasterz... with a z, I don’t know where that came from."

Yoooo what it do fam??? It sounds like everyone had a great week! It seems  like Teags stole the show at the Wasatch play and everyone has been partying too hard with the BDays recently! So first, gotta say happy bday to my twin Jensen, Bret, Freya and Beez!! Hope ya’ll have stellar bdays!

This week was a super good one! Barb has probably sent out the pics already but we had zone conference this week and it was super dope! For the zone conferences up in Beira we do a big combined one with the Beira zone, Manga zone, and the Nampula zone (outside areas). So we had all the missionaries from the outside areas fly in this week and we refuged the dupla from Tete which was Elder Guirleme, and Elder Dos Santos (aka Juicey from Magoanine who is serving in Tete until he gets his visa to go to South Africa). Elder Griffeth and I have the big room in our place so they had to stay with us in our room. Fun thing about it was that our cool blasterz stopped working at about 1 o’clock in the morning.... let’s just say trying to sleep while dripping sweat doesn’t fly haha but I made it through zone conference without napping so that’s always good. We focused on something that Elder Andersen said during the leadership meeting in Maputo. He said, "There will be many  temples built in Africa.  Why not Mozambique? And why not sooner rather than later?" A pretty cool statement from a servant of the Lord. We focused on faith and how through our faith, God can perform miracles (2nd Nephi 27:23). President Koch threw out an Urban Meyer quote AND a Dream Team reference! That pretty much somes up our zone conference right there haha. But after day dreaming thinking about the Dream Team documentary and then Space Jam, the Spirit impressed on me what our role is with faith. We cannot focus on the past. We can only control what we do in the present, to put ourselves in situations that will stretch our faith. By doing so our faith will grow and our light will shine to others. Elder Andersen's talk from last general conference speaks about how our faith is a choice.  I have such a strong testimony that when we stretch our faith and step out of the comfort zone  God will bless us with miracles! I know that Heavenly Father is a God of Miracles if we do all that we can and put our faith in Him and our Savior miracles will come and more importantly we will be able to help others receive these miracles as well!

Other updates about the week; All of our families are doing well, we have 4 right now just trying to earn the money to open and close the wedding process. Elder Griffeth stepped in a hole in our area and his boot straight filled with water haha. We had stake conference. One of the recent converts in our area (Jorge) was called to be the 1st counselor in our ward and we are so pumped about it. We played Gatorball (mix of soccer and football) today and I don’t think I have ever been so hot in my life.

I hope everyone has a great week! Love you all so much! Big Gulps huh? Well... see ya later!


Elder Chipman    

Getting some help crossing the river or street.
My life be like ooh-ahh
These are probably some pretty cool kids.
Elder Burchett (from Oly) and good old me.  I still know how to do the Eagle Claw.

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