
Monday, December 5, 2016

Week 12 - Fairview B - "Good Life" by Kanye West ft. T-Pain

My family and friends how is everyone doing?! It sounds like everyone has had a super great week transitioning from Thanksgiving to Christmas! Super sad to hear that lots of the kiddies are a lil sick, sending all my wishes for them to feel better here soon!

But so, this week has been pretty crazy.  I will just start with today..

This morning all the houses in Swazi were up by 5 o clock cause we had 11 missionaries traveling to Mozambique. 8 that were being transferred and 3 that need to do documents. So, by 6 AM we were all packed into a kombi for a road trip to Mozambique. I have known for about a week or so where I was being transferred to. I am now serving in Liberdade area in the Matola Zone. Matola is on the other side of Maputo.  It is a complete different city that I am getting to know down here in southern Mozambique. I will have the dope chance to serve with Elder Bindanda! He is from Congo and so the dude speaks French, Portuguese and English. He is going into his last transfer in his mission so we are going to be doing lots of work before he goes home! I haven't had much time to adjust yet. We arrived at the Mission Office and in 4 minutes we were all packed into the Mission Chappa to head to our new areas. But all I can say is I am back to the good life in Mozambique.

Since we left this morning, Elder Feliciana and I had the entire week to visit and say goodbye to everyone! The visits weren't too bad, but saying goodbye to everyone and bearing my testimony in sacrament meeting yesterday at church was super hard. I loved every single day that I had in Swaziland! It is crazy how fast 6 months went by. I am super grateful for the Swazi people, the members, the investigators, and all of the missionaries there that made my experience so great. Ancha was not baptized on Saturday. Her baptism will happen in probably 2 weeks but she was super funny about Elder Feliciana and I leaving, she was super sad but all will be good.

Also, this past week, Elder Feliciana and I were able to put together our Christmas Cards and sent them all out. I won’t say what we did cause it will be a surprise but all I can say is that it made us feel the true Christmas spirit which is the love and light of our Savior, Jesus Christ. I have seen a little of the 25 days of Christmas program that the church has going on. I encourage everyone to take part of it! Every day if we are focused on the true meaning of this time we will be filled with the spirit to help fulfill the true purpose of this time, which is to help others feel of this light and love we have in our lives.

I hope everyone has a great week!


Elder Chipman

Fun times in Ngcwilini

Cool Pic

The Avengers on their last night together. 

Going to miss this kid. 

Packed up

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